Linggo, Agosto 05, 2012

Tail End of a Cold Front

  • I learned that the tail end of a cold front is the boundary of two large air masses that is found in mid-latitudes. It is also defined as the later portion of an advancing or leading edge of a large and cold air mass.It causes too much rainfall and cloudiness over affected areas.
  • I want to know more about effects of these phenomenon on our daily lives. This phenomenon results on heavy and continuous rain showers, strong winds and thick clouds that envelops the land during a cold front. Too much rain can cause land and mudslides to other places.
  • I appreciate the fact that a tail end of a cold front is called a tail end of a cold front not instead of a cold back is due to the reason that the tail end of a cold front is the back edge of the frontal boundary, not the back of the air mass itself.
  • I can apply my learning about the tail end of a cold front on my daily life. I can now say that there is a cold front and I can prepare myself and my family in case of emergency.

Sabado, Agosto 04, 2012


  • I learned that a monsoon is defined as a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation. And there are 2 types of monsoon: the South-west or Habagat that brings rainfall and the North-east monsoon or Amihan that brings a cold climate.
  • I want to know more about the duration of these monsoons in our country. And I found out that Habagat visits our country during the months of June to November and Amihan visits our country during the months of December to February.
  • I appreciate the fact that the North-east monsoon is the only weather phenomenon that is not as dangerous as the others. In fact, we feel comfortable during the months of December, January and February for it is a cold climate.
  • I can apply my learning about the different monsoons in the Philippines by proudly sharing it onto others who need the information.

El Niño

  • I learned that El Niño is a weather phenomenon that is characterized by unusual warm ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific ocean. It accompanies high air pressure in the Western Pacific. It is known in the Philippines as the hot season ranging from March to May.
  • I want to know more about the history of the word El Niño. And I found out that El Niño is a Spanish word for Little Boy and refers to the Christ child, because periodic warming in the Pacific near South America is usually noticed around Christmas. 
  • I appreciate the fact that this phenomenon greatly affects our country. The severe heating of the climate causes droughts to our lands resulting to the destruction of our crops. Besides, the hot climate also affects us for it can cause diseases related to skin problems and sometimes heat stokes.
  • I can apply my learnings about El Niño  in my everyday life. For example, an elementary student asks me about El Niño. I could easily give him/her a brief description and history about this phenomenon.

La Niña

  • I learned that La Niña is a weather phenomenon that is characterized by unusual cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific, compared to El Nino, which is characterized by unusual warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific. Here in the Philippines, La Niña is often referred to as the rainy season from June to November.
  • I want to know more about the origin of the word La Niña. And I found out that  La Niña originated from a Spanish word which means The Little Girl. La Niña is sometimes called El Viejo or simply a cold event or a cold episode.
  • I appreciate the fact that even though La Niña causes us more problems, it still has some advantages that we can use in our everyday life. Philippines is an agricultural country, so even if La Niña damages the cities, it favors the needs of the farmers in the provinces. It provides natural irrigation.
  • I can apply my learnings about La Niña in my everyday life. One is when someone asks me about La Niña, I could easily give them a short and brief history of La Niña.