Biyernes, Oktubre 19, 2012

Fujiwhara Effect

  • I learned that Fujiwhara Effect is a type of interaction between two nearby cyclonic vortices, causing them to appear to "orbit" each other. The two vortices will be attracted to each other, and eventually spiral into the center point and merge. 
  • I want to know more about the origin of this phenomenon. And I found out that 'Fujiwhara effect' is named after Dr. Fujiwhara of Japan who performed a series of experiments and observations on water vortices from 1921 to 1923. The vortices would rotate cyclonically about an axis connecting their centres. The two vortices also had a tendency to approach each other and then merge together.
  • I appreciate the fact that this effect contributes a lot to the weather system of the Philippines, but it also has its benefits.
  • I can apply my learning about Fujiwhara Effect in my eveyday life. For example, a student asks me about it, I could easily answer the question with some limited knowledge I gained about this topic.